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Made of Stories

 I had just come back from 24 hours across the border in MX (at the dentist and also seeing friends) returning to the next extraordinary chapter of the current political saga. I had thought I’d write about the sweet time I had there, but was knocked (again) sideways by the rapidly unfolding events. I will write about the sweetness for sure, but the realization that every ‘story’ I experience lives in me including those I didn’t ask for and don’t even know I carry, led to this piece. 
I had to work out how to keep my balance, how to carry all the experiences and maintain my sense of self here, now.  I hope that as you navigate these times of historical import you too can file the blizzard stories and create the ones you want, knowing that every story you tell will be out there, adding to the all dandelion seeds in the ether.

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I was away for 24 hours in a place
Quite unlike mine here
And yet - warmly familiar,
Comfortable somewhere deep in my soul.

What is it that attracts?
That makes you feel as if
This is where you've always been?
That you've arrived in the correct place?

It happens with people.
You meet someone and
Immediately - Boom!
They've been there, in your corner, all your life.

Connections are like stories
Little shards of ancient memories
Messages that find each other in our DNA
Passed down and down and down.

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Wanderings with Kate
Wanderings with Kate Podcast
Poetry, prose, thoughts to inspire, provoke and encourage.
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Kate Hawkes